Davide Ahmar

Davide Ahmar

My name is Davide Ahmar and I am a student in the Cognitive Neuroscience research Master at the Donders institute. Throughout my academic journey, I have pursued an interdisciplinary understanding of the human brain and mind, with an emphasis on the neuro-cognitive mechanisms underlying social and affective processes. I received a joint Bachelor’s degree in cognitive neuroscience and psychology from the University of Manchester (2018-2022), which provided me with a solid background bridging cognitive and neurobiological processes. During this degree, I also completed a year-long research internship at the Neuroscience of Perception and Action lab in Rome (PI: Dr. Giacomo Novembre), where I investigated spontaneously occurring patterns of neural and behavioural synchrony in interacting dyads (2020-2021). From there, I moved to Nijmegen to pursue a research Master in cognitive neuroscience, with a focus on perception, action and decision-making (2022-2024). Currently, I am working on my master’s research project in the EPAN lab under the supervision of Mariana Carneiro de Andrade, Prof. Ivan Toni, and Prof. Karin Roelofs. This project will employ transcranial alternating current stimulation in socially anxious participants engaged in public speaking, with the aim of biasing their approach-avoidance behaviours and ameliorating their fears of public speech.