Dorien Enter

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My name is Dorien Enter, and I am working as a PhD candidate in Experimental Psychopathology at the Behavioral Science Institute, where I moved after graduating in Biology (Experimental Psychobiology) at Utrecht University. I am interested in individual differences in the neuroendocrinological regulation of social motivational behavior. My PhD research focuses on the role of the gonadal hormone testosterone in social fear and avoidance in patients with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Several measures are involved, including tracking of eye gaze behavior, facial mimicry (EMG), neural correlates of motivational processing (EEG/ERP), behavioural approach-avoidance action-tendencies, and social punishment-reward sensitivity.

Selected publications:

Enter, D., Spinhoven, P., Roelofs, K. (in press) Dare to Approach: Single dose testosterone administration promotes threat approach in patients with Social Anxiety Disorder. Clinical Psychological Science

Van Dillen, L.F., Enter, D., Peters, L., van Dijk, W.W., Rotteveel, M. (in press) Moral fixations: The role of moral integrity and social anxiety in the selective avoidance of social threat. Biological Psychology

Enter, D., Terburg, D., Harrewijn, A., Spinhoven, P., Roelofs, K. (2016) Single dose testosterone administration alleviates gaze avoidance inwomen with Social Anxiety Disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 63, 26–33

Enter, D., Spinhoven, P., Roelofs, K. (2014) Alleviating social avoidance: effects of single dose testosterone administration on approach-avoidance action. HormonesandBehavior 65, 351-354

Enter, D., van Peer, J.M., Spinhoven, P. & Roelofs, K. (2013). Effects of testosterone administration on emotional face processing in healthy participants and patients with social phobia. Psychophysiology 50 (Suppl), S17-S18 (Abstract)

Enter, D., Colzato, L.S., Roelofs, K. (2012) Dopamine transporter polymorphisms affect social approach-avoidance tendencies. Genes, Brain and Behavior 11, 671-676